Artist Date: Artscape, Baltimore
Jul 23, 2018 / Photography / artist dates

Baltimore Artscape is the largest art fair in the Northern Eastern seaboard. It’s a 2.5 day event in July that starts Friday night and runs through the weekend.
A cacophony of mediums exist side by side: paintings, photographs, jewelry, ceramics,sculptures, performance art, plays, music, public installations, and a lot more.
What Works Did I Love?
Jason Brueck whose surrealistic photographs of an astronaut exploring a post-apocalyptic earth were amazing. Because of copyright reasons, I can’t post images of his work in this blog post, but check out his website. It’s inspiring.
Surreal paintings of whales on a wheat field from painter Phillip Singer were also amazing.
Paper artist Erica Regelin had whimsical work. Her intricate cutouts on paper reminded me of cyanotype photograms. I loved her nautical series of works.
But I think my most favorite artist this year was W.L. Pierce. His unique artwork transported me to another world. Physically, his art just looks like a wood box, but with a humongous lens eye on the front. To see the artwork, you need to peer inside of it, and what you see is a LED backlit film negative. It’s like your looking through a viewmaster, but better.
The Baltimore School for the Arts, a well-known art high school in Baltimore, even had a How to Make Cyanotype demo and exhibit. That was a surprise. I looked at each print, to see if there was some effect or technique I could use in my work.

That’s it for Artscape this year! If you are ever in Baltimore in July and Artscape is happening the weekend you’re here, check it out. It’s not just the art, it’s the atmosphere as well. If the summer weather is cool and breezy, it’s a enjoyable stroll on a Friday or Saturday night.